Why Do We Stress Eat?

Our need for carbs when we are stressed is hardwired into us…

Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic

When we are stressed, we are spending time in a state within the nervous system called 'sympathetic' or 'fight or flight' This state is ruled by cortisol and adrenaline, your stress hormones.

On the other side of things we have the 'parasympathetic nervous state' which is when we are relaxed, calm, not stress eating cakes. This state is ruled by dopamine and GABA, our calm, relaxed hormones.

Just as we can have low levels of things like iron and so eat red meat or a take an iron supplement to try to boost our levels, we can have lower levels of dopamine or GABA.

Stress & Hormones

These low levels can impact us more so at certain times of the month than others... Before a period/during menopause our progesterone levels are at a very low point, which means we have less GABA/Dopamine circulating than usual. So our bodies will try to 'help' us with getting us to eat cakes, carbs or chocolate which help us create a little hit of dopamine.

While it feels good in the moment, it usually means our blood sugar sky rockets and then we end up feeling groggy, tired and grumpy when it comes back down again. High blood sugar also impacts our nervous system, so we can get a bit stuck in a cycle of sorts.

Eat to Support Your Nervous System

So what's a girl to do when life isn't fair and cake is the answer?! Here's a few tips:

💫 Pair sugar with protein/fat e.g. nuts, seeds
💫 Taking 4 deep breaths in, hold for 4 and release for 4 seconds engages the vagus nerve and surpasses cortisol release
💫 Consider a magnesium glycinate supplement (speak to doc first if you take any meds)
💫 Stop having caffeine on an empty stomach - it is spiking your cortisol and contributing to your stress eating. Instead have decaf or have food first

Need More Help?

You can book a free discovery call here to discuss working one to one. We will cover dietary, supplement and testing protocols which can help to feel more in control of your health,