Sugar Free Chocolate Coconut Energy Balls

Sugar Free Chocolate Coconut Energy Balls

Makes about 12 sugar free chocolate balls – Ingredients

120 grams Dates

50 grams Cashews

2 Tablespoons of Honey (use agave if making vegan!

3 Tablespoons of Desiccated Coconut

3 Tablespoons of Raw Cacao or Cocoa Powder

Sugar free chocolate balls – Method

Finely chop the dates until they form a paste like consistency. If you have a powerful blender you can pop them in there for about 30 seconds.

Roughly chop the cashews and put into a mixing bowl with the dates.

Next, add in the honey, cashews, cocoa/cacao powder in to the bowl with the dates and cashews and mix well with a wooden spoon into a dough like consistancy. You may need to gently kneed the mixture.

On a clean, flat surface, spread out the desiccated coconut and gently roll the balls in the desiccated coconut. The coconut will easily stick to the balls due to the natural stickiness of the dates.

Keep in an air tight container in the fridge and enjoy for up to 1 week, if they last that long, which I doubt they will considering I ate 3 while writing this post!