How To Get Over A Cold Quicker - Nutritionist's Guide

How To Get Over A Cold Quicker


The transition into the cooler months brings many lovely things like gingerbread, cool autumn walks and knowing that Christmas is around the corner. Unfortunately, it also brings seasonal colds! Read on for my top foods and supplements to support your immune system while its fighting off a cold.



As a food dairy is mucus forming which when you have a cold is the last thing you need, particularly if you have a sinus infection. During the period that you actively have cold symptoms try avoiding dairy where you can. Instead of using cow’s milk in your hot drinks try nut based milks like oat or almond.


Beta Glucans

Beta glucans are a polysaccharide (sugar) found in bacteria and fungi, they use them to make new walls in the cells and to store energy, they have also been shown to modulate immune function. The richest source of beta glucans in your diet will be from mushrooms so next time you make an immune boosting soup throw in some chopped up mushrooms. One of my favourite immune boosting supplements includes beta glucans, you can buy it here.


Spicy Food

I love having spicy food when I have a cold as it really helps to open up sinus congestion. Try having a spicy soup before you go to bed or with dinner to aid breathing while you're trying to sleep. If you feel too exhausted to cook a soup from scratch, drizzle a garlic or chilli oil over your dinner/lunch.



Even a mild deficiency in zinc can have a negative impact on the immune system. Our bodies don't have much capacity to store zinc so it's really important when you are fighting a cold that you are getting a decent amount through your diet and potentially topping up with a high-quality, balanced zinc supplement like this one


Dietary sources of zinc are:


·      pumpkin seeds

·      shellfish

·      meat

·      lentils

·      chickpeas


Throat Spray

One of the worst parts about having a cold is a sore throat that you get which nothing seems to help! Time and time again I recommend a throat spray which has manuka honey and/or propolis. In my experience it provides instant relief to a sore throat. I've been known to use this myself on my busy clinic days when I have a cold and am speaking all day!

Bee Propolis Throat Spray


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for immune health and studies have shown it is effective for preventing colds.

In the UK winter months our bodies are not able to make vitamin D for us because the sun is not strong enough. So by the time most of us are getting our seasonal colds mid-autumn, our vitamin D levels are already starting to deplete.

It is very difficult to get enough vitamin D from foods so during the winter months it is essential to supplement with vitamin d. Studies have shown that vitamin D works best alongside vitamin K so it is best to take them at the same time.  Vitamin D/K Supplement


Vitamin C

Of course, we couldn't talk about the immune system without thinking about vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps the body fight infection. I usually recommend taking a vitamin C supplement of about 1000mg per day during the winter months, this may increase during times of infection.


You can get vitamin C in your diet however it is very sensitive to heat so when you are making a drink with hot water and lemon the vitamin C will mostly be damaged in the process


Dietary sources of vitamin C are:


·      Kiwis

·      Lemons

·      Limes

·      Oranges

·      Kale



Check with your doctor before starting any supplements if you have a health condition or take any medication.

Michaella Mazzoni