DIY Castor Oil Packs: What They Are and How to Use Them

 Castor oil packs have been around literally for centuries and may have many uses for managing general and specific health conditions. In my clinical work I usually recommend Castor oil packs to those who are struggling with poor circulation, pre-menstrual cramping, digestive issues, poor sleep and stress difficulties, hormonal imbalances and those wishing to support their detoxification system.

If you prefer a visual guide, you can watch my guide on YouTube here


What Are Castor Oil Packs?

A Castor oil pack is something you can do very easily at home. Essentially it is a piece of cotton soaked in Castor oil which is applied directly onto the skin with a hot water bottle layered on top.

You can add essential oils depending on the rationale behind using the Castor oil pack. For example, for those struggling with pain associated with endometriosis or PCOS I often recommend adding frankincense which has Boswellia and may have pain relieving properties.


How Do Castor Oil Packs Work?

Castor oil works by stimulating lymphocytes (immune cells), supporting circulation, and potentially reducing localised inflammation.

Castor oil packs support circulation by the lymphatic system which is basically the waste system of your body. Your lymphatic system is responsible for picking up toxins, dead cells and metals across your body and delivering them to the liver.


How To Make A Castor Oil Pack For Hormonal Balance



Organic Castor oil

An unbleached cotton piece or flannel

Hot water bottle

Essential oils if using (see below for recommendations)

Stress Support – Frankincense Myrrh Lavender

Pain Support – Frankincense

Mood Support - Ylang Ylang Lavender

Hormone Support – Frankincense Lavender Rose  



Pour approximately 4-6 tablespoons of castor oil across the flannel, it should be completely soaked through.

If you are using essential oils, follow the instructions on the individual bottle and add to the castor oil directly on the cloth.

Get into bed or on the couch so that you can lie flat and relax

Apply the cotton piece across the lower abdomen (between the pelvic bones)

Place the hot water bottle on top of the cotton and rest for 30 to 60 minutes. If you are using a large sheet of cotton as recommended below, then you should be able to fold it over two or three times which will help to keep the oil from getting too messy. If you are using a smaller face cloth you will need to apply a piece of plastic (like a plastic bag) the hot water bottle and the cotton.

Repeat this every other day.

You can store your castor oil pack in a glass container and reuse up to 30 times, simply add a bit more oil as required.

Do not use castor oil packs during your period.


How To Make A Castor Oil Pack For Detox Support?



Organic Castor oil

An unbleached cotton piece or flannel

Hot water bottle

Essential oils if using (see below for recommendations)

Stress Support – Frankincense Myrrh Lavender

Pain SupportFrankincense

Mood Support - Ylang Ylang Lavender

Hormone SupportFrankincense Lavender Rose  


Pour approximately 4-6 tablespoons of castor oil across the flannel, it should be completely soaked through.

If you are using essential oils, follow the instructions on the individual bottle and add to the castor oil directly on the cloth.

Get into bed or on the couch so that you can lie flat and relax

Apply the cotton piece across the liver (located on the right-hand side of the abdomen, under the ribs)

Place the hot water bottle on top of the cotton and rest for 30 to 60 minutes. If you are using a large sheet of cotton as recommended below, then you should be able to fold it over two or three times which will help to keep the oil from getting too messy. If you are using a smaller face cloth you will need to apply a piece of plastic (like a plastic bag) the hot water bottle and the cotton.

Repeat this every other day.

You can store your castor oil pack in a glass container and reuse up to 30 times, simply add a bit more oil as required.

Do not use Castor oil packs if you are pregnant or during your period.


How To Make A Castor Oil Pack For IBS And Constipation?



Organic Castor oil

An unbleached cotton piece or flannel

Hot water bottle

Essential oils if using (see below for recommendations)

Stress Support – Frankincense Myrrh Lavender

Pain SupportFrankincense

Mood Support - Ylang Ylang Lavender

Hormone SupportFrankincense Lavender Rose  



Pour approximately 4-6 tablespoons of castor oil across the flannel, it should be completely soaked through.

If you are using essential oils, follow the instructions on the individual bottle and add to the castor oil directly on the cloth.

Get into bed or on the couch so that you can lie flat and relax

Apply the cotton piece across the lower abdomen (between the pelvic bones)

Place the hot water bottle on top of the cotton and rest for 30 to 60 minutes. If you are using a large sheet of cotton as recommended below, then you should be able to fold it over two or three times which will help to keep the oil from getting too messy. If you are using a smaller face cloth you will need to apply a piece of plastic (like a plastic bag) the hot water bottle and the cotton.

Repeat this every other day.

You can store your castor oil pack in a glass container and reuse up to 30 times, simply add a bit more oil as required.

Do not use Castor oil packs if you are pregnant or during your period.


What Are The Side Effects Of Using A Castor Oil Pack?


It is best to do a patch test before if you have never used Castor oil on your skin before. You can do this by applying a few drops of Castor oil directly onto your skin and leave for 24 hours. If you observe a reaction, then do not proceed with making a Castor oil pack.


There are some people who need to be careful with Castor oil packs or you should not be using them:


·      If you have undergone surgery recently

·      If you are taking medications or have a health condition (check with your doctor first)

·      If you are pregnant or breast feeding

·      If you are allergic to castor oil

·      If you have any broken skin on the area

Michaella Mazzoni