How To Keep Healthy Over Holidays Without Giving Up The Mince Pies and Mulled Wine!

If my last name hasn't given away the game, I come from an Italian background meaning that food in the holidays is one of the central points! I start thinking about what I'm going to eat at Christmas months in advance and this year has been no different! Like so many of us I must manage health conditions alongside the holiday season but, I don't let that stop me enjoying some mulled wine and cheese boards!

Here are my top tips on how to support your health while still enjoying holiday food this year! 


if you want to eat a mince pie at 10:00 in the morning and 10:00 at night you do whatever makes you happy at Christmas! But if you can start off the day with a breakfast based in fats and proteins your blood sugar will be better supported for that midmorning mince pie. Scrambled eggs or eggs on toast are a super quick and easy option to go for over the holidays.



if you're going to be drinking, try to make sure you don't do it on an empty stomach, snack on fat-based foods like olives and nuts to support your body while it processes the alcohol. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and have one glass of water for every glass of alcohol.

It's also helpful to think about the type of alcohol you're drinking, instead of cocktails opt for pinot noir which is a red wine that has the highest number of antioxidants and the lowest number of tannins.


Keep Moving

Did you know you only need to be active for two minutes after eating and your blood sugar starts to come down? You don't need to go for a full-on walk after every meal keep yourself moving after you finished eating. Br the helpful one this year and clear the plates, tag along on dog walks, and say yes to the Christmas lunch walk if you can.

To finish things off here is my favourite mulled wine recipe for you to try this year!


Mulled Wine Recipe

One bottle of pinot noir

Peel from one orange

3 cinnamon sticks

2 Bay leaves

1 teaspoon of cloves and star nice mixed


Tip everything into a saucepan and gently heat until you see steam rising but don't let the mixture bubble.

Enjoy immediately!

Michaella Mazzoni