Supporting Adult ADHD and Hormones - Replay

More and more women are receiving a diagnosis of ADHD in their late 20s, 30s and 40s. While receiving an ADHD diagnosis can be so helpful at joining the dots, dietary changes are not usually discussed.

In this workshop, you will:

Learn how ADHD impacts focus, mood and energy

How ADHD impacts your hormonal health

Why your ADHD symptoms can feel heightened at certain times during your cycle

Which foods help support nervous system function

Which foods hinder nervous system function

ADHD 28 Day Meal Plan

Watch Here (Click on Image Below)

About Michaella

Michaella developed a passion for nutrition after changing her diet helped manage her chronic pain and fatigue symptoms. She now works one to one with individuals to help them feel better than ever and back in control of their health. Michaella is an award winning nutritionist, registered with BANT and The Royal Society of Medicine. She has been featured in the Times and the Guardian newspaper.

Michaella Mazzoni